Sanja,Imke & MD @ the Last Watering Hole
Bad boys - Indranil, MD, Niels, Richard
La Schmoove - MD, Niels, Kevin
Big up yer self - Kevin,Dave & Indranil @ the Tara
Denny & MD...
The CD team, once upon a time
Passing the Ajax stadium on the way to work
Arnout, Dave, MD, Kinshuk, San
Ingrid and Kinshuk
Niels and MD at me 'n Kinsh's escape celebration tea
Dave and MD comforting the poor bastard
Kevin, highly distressed at being layed off
Dave's bike gets taken out
Kevin taking it to the next level
Eddie begging for more Absinthe
Niels, Ingrid, Theresa
Kinshuk and Pam
The poor horse