Hotel Jasmin, Monastir
Monastir coastline
Heavily decorated chillout spot, Sousse
Grand Mosque, Sousse
Impressive ribat, Monastir
View from ribat tower, Monastir
Rosa in Monastir
MD, Rosa inside Bourgiba's mausoleum
Impressive chandelier inside Bourgiba's mausoleum
Bourgiba's mausoleum, Monastir
Cool tiles
Town hall, Sfax
Rosa making friends, Sfax
Sfax Medina
Ben Ali, Tunisia's "democratically elected" president
Palemerie, Douz (a few hundred thousand palm trees in total)
Mmmm... dates
White Sahara sands, Douz
MD on the "grand" dune, Douz
MD gets an impromptu tamtam lesson from Mohammed
Rosa, MD and Ahmir and Mustafa
Bedouin tent
Camels are cool
Hot springs, Ksar Ghilane oasis
Sahara dunes
Red Sahara sands near Ksar Ghilane
Old Roman fort near Ksar Ghilane
A Briq - very addictive
Gabes train station
Sousse ribat
Typical doorway, Sousse