Rosa, Mutha and Henk at Pater Noster
Pater Noster beach
See water
Rosa on the beach, Pater Noster
Voorstrand, Pater Noster
Henk and Mutha get stuck into the wine, Laborie
Laborie Wine Estate, Paarl
Paarl Rock
Climbing up the Paarl rock (thanks Heinz)
Granite pool
Wild flowers, near Darling
Wild Cotton
The Red
Wild cotton closeup
Wild flowers galore, near Darling
Field of yellow flowers
Blue Flowers (Dr. Octagon would be pleased)
Mom & Henk in a Darling field
Political posters from a time thankfully past
Old skool Afrikaans memorabilia
Inside Evita se Perron (Pieter-Dirk Uys's theatre)